Driving through Brazil
Finally out of traffic
Oh S#!%, a speed bump!
Most places around the world use speed bumps to prevent accidents in high traffic areas like parking lots, apartment complexes, schools, etc... In Brazil, not only are the speed bumps huge, but they are everywhere; before and after nearly every insection, in the middle of open stretches of rural roads, randomly placed in towns and countryside alike. It seems like you never get up to the posted speed limit for long before - "Damn - another one!". And it's not like you can just glide over them - not unless you want to compress your spine, break your teeth and perforate the roof of the car with your skull. My local colleague tells me that without these in place, people in Brazil drive too fast and have too many accidents. Maybe this is true, maybe not, but they do add considerably to the amount of time it takes to get anywhere.
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