To the "Teeming Dozens" who read this blog, I've got your back! I am closely following the dead Chinese pig situation and will keep you in the know.
As of this morning, the China Daily is reporting the total number of pig carcasses pulled from the Huangpu river has topped 8000 and the number continues to climb. To put this in perspective, if you laid these soggy swollen swine tail to snout they would stretch 8 kilometers (that's 5 miles for us non-metric folk) and weight more than 1 million pounds. That's a lot of bad bacon my friends.
There is increasing evidence that many of these pigs died of disease before being disposed of in the Huangpu, upstream from Shanghai. The local government still claims the drinking water is unaffected. As bizarre as this situation is, perhaps there is a positive spin to the dumping of dead pigs - at least it may be an indication that even in China, you can't sell a dead diseased pig to a slaughterhouse.
Nasty!! Can't imagine the smell.